
Showing posts from May, 2020

Leading in Lockdown

'The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.' Read 'man' as 'person' and this well-known Martin Luther King Jnr quote couldn't be more apt to describe some of the truly remarkable examples of educational leadership many of us are witnessing through the current crisis. In Wales, it comes from the very top. Our Welsh Government Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, has shown unwavering support for the profession and given reassurance to parents and children. Her communication has been clear and timely throughout, and she has not been afraid to be a fierce advocate for Wales' schools in the wider arena.  Then there are the Local Authority leaders who, within a very small time frame, offered valuable information, support and guidance to school leaders on school closures, the allocation and organisation of childcare for key workers a...